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Litteraturoversikt (sist oppdatert 17.juli 2024)

Denne listen (påbegynt 24.mars 2020) er et forsøk på å samle alt det jeg leser og har lyst til å lese på et sted. Tanken er å sortere bøker og artikler innen noen kategorier, og fortsette å legge til og sortere etterhvert som tiden går. Ved å inkludere all info om hver kilde vil dette også gjøre det lettere å legge til referanser i hvert enkelt innlegg, noe som vanligvis er både kjedelig og overraskende tidkrevende.

Kategoriene er mine egne, ment til å hjelpe meg finne frem til det jeg leter etter. Forhåpentligvis kan sorteringen, som stadig oppdateres, kanskje også hjelpe andre finne frem til ting de ikke har hørt om og lest før. Det kan sikkert være interessant for noen å se hva jeg kategoriserer som "allmen pedagogikk og forskning", og hva som havner under "alternativ pedagogikk". Jeg diskuterer gjerne disse valgene.

Jeg tar veldig gjerne imot innspill på denne listen, særlig bøker og artikler som ikke er med, men som burde inkluderes.

Angående formatering så oppgis opprinnelig utgivelsesdato, der hvor dette er relevant informasjon, i parentes [...]. Ikke alle referansene i de enkelte innleggene blir med i denne listen, ting som ikke generelt er relevant for utdanningsspørsmål oppgis kun i de innleggene hvor de brukes, men ikke her.

Læringsforskning før 1950:

  • Binet, Alfred, (1894), Psychologie des grands calculateurs et joueurs d'échecs, Hachette
  • Binet, Alfred & Henri, V. (1898), La fatigue intellectuelle, Schleicher Frères
  • Binet, Alfred, (1909), Les idées modernes sur les enfants, Flammarion 
  • Cousin, Victor, (1832), Rapport sur l'état de l'instruction publique dans quelques pays de l'Allemagne et particulièrement en Prusse. 1ère partie. Francfort-sur-le-Mein, Duché de Weymar, Royaume de Saxe, Paris, De l'imprimerie royale 
  • Groos, Karl, (1899), Die Spiele der Menschen, Gustav Fischer
  • Groos, Karl, (1904), Das Seelenleben des Kindes. Ausgewählte Vorlesungen, Reuther & Reichard
  • Groos, Karl, (1907), Die Spiele der Tiere, Gustav Fischer [1896]
  • Groos, Karl, (1922), Das Spiel. Zwei Vortrage, Gustav Fischer
  • Hall, G. Stanley, (1893), The Contents of Children's Minds on Entering School, E.L. Kellogg & Co
  • Hall, G. Stanley, (1904), Adolescence: Its Psychology and Its Relations to Physiology, Anthropology, Sociology, Sex, Crime, Religion and Education, 2 bind, D. Appleton & Company
  • Hall, G. Stanley, (1911), Educational Problems, 2 bind, D. Appleton & Company
  • Hall, G. Stanley, (1921), Aspects of Child Life and Education, D. Appleton & Company
  • Huey, Edmund Burke. (1900). "On the Psychology and Physiology of Reading, I". American Journal of Psychology 11, no.3 (lenke)
  • James, William. (1890). The Principles of Psychology. Henry Holt and company (særlig kapitlet Imagination, mange gode eksempler på tidlige undersøkelser). 
  • Key, Ellen, (1900), Barnets Århundrade. Studie, 2 bind, Albert Bonniers Förlag
  • Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, (1945), Phénoménologie de la perception, Gallimard
  • Milhaud, Edgard. (1894). La projection externe des images visuelles. Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger. 1894-07-01.
  • Montessori, Maria, (1965), Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook: A Short Guide to Her Ideas and Materials, Schocken Books [1914]
  • Montessori, Maria, (1967), The Discovery of the Child, Random House, [1909]
  • Montessori, Maria, (1988), The Absorbent Mind, trans. Claude A. Claremont, Clio Press [1949]
  • Montessori, Maria, (1989), The Formation of Man, Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company, [1955]
  • Montessori, Maria, (1998), Creative Development in the Child, volume two, Kalakshetra Press
  • Montessori, Maria, (2000) Il Metodo della Pedagogia Scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini. Edizione critica, Edizioni Opera Nazionale Montessori, [1909]
  • Montessori, Maria, (2007a), To Educate the Human Potential, Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company
  • Montessori, Maria(2007b) From Childhood to Adolescence, Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company
  • Montessori, Maria, (2016), Psychoarithmetic, oversatt av Kay Baker og Benedetto Scoppola, Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company
  • Montessori, Maria, (2017), Maria Montessori Speaks to Parents. A Selection of Articles, Montessori-Pierson Publishing Company
  • Piaget, Jean, (1994), La formation du symbole chez l'enfant: imitation, jeu et rêve, image et représentation, Delachaux et Niestlé, [1945]
  • Piaget, Jean, (1932), The Moral Judgement of the Child, Kegan Paul
  • Ribot, Théodule, (1900), Essai sur l'imagination créatrice, Félix Alcan
  • Thomas, William I., & Dorothy S. Thomas, (1928), The Child in America, Alfred A. Knopf
  • Thorndike, Edward L. (1917). Reading as Reasoning: A Study of Mistakes in Paragraph ReadingThe Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol.VIII, No.3, juni 1917 (lenke)
  • Tolman, Edward C., (1948), "Cognitive Maps in Rats and Men", The Psychological Review, 55(4), ss.189-208 (lenke)
  • Vygotsky, Lev S., (1978), Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes, redigert av Michael Cole, Vera John-Steiner, Sylvia Scribner, Ellen Souberman, Harvard University Press
  • Vygotsky, Lev S., (1994), The Vygotsky Reader, redigert av René van der Veer og  Jaan Valsiner, Basil Blackwell

Læringsforskning 1950-2000:

  • Bahrick, Harry P, og Hall, Lynda K, (1991), "Lifetime Maintenance of High School Mathematics Content", Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1991,Vol. 120,No.1, ss.20-33
  • Bandura, Albert, (1976), Social Learning Theory, Prentice-Hall
  • Bandura, Albert, (1997), Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control, W.H. Freeman and Company
  • Black, Paul, og William, Dylan, (1998), "Assessment and Classroom Learning", Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, Vol.5, 1998, No.1
  • Bloom, Benjamin S., (1974), "Time and learning", American Psychologist, 1974, 29(9), ss.682–688
  • Bloom, Benjamin S., (1976), Human characteristics and school learning, McGraw-Hill
  • Bloom, Benjamin S., (1984), "The 2 Sigma Problem: The Search for Methods of Group Instruction as Effective as One-to- One Tutoring",  Educational Researcher, Vol. 13, No. 6 (Jun. - Jul., 1984), ss.4-16 (lenkekritisk journalistisk omtalegod ny gjennomgang)
  • Bruner, Jerome, (1972), "Nature and uses of immaturity", American Psychologist, 27(8), ss.687–708
  • Bruner, Jerome, (1977), The Process of Education, Harvard University Press [1960]
  • Bruner, Jerome, (1990), Acts of Mearning, Harvard University Press
  • Chall, J.S. (1996). Learning to read: The great debate. Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
  • Konner, Melvin J., (1975), “Relations Among Infants and Juveniles in Comparative Perspective,” in The Origins of Behaviour, vol. 4, Friendship and Peer Relations, Michael Lewis and Leonard A. Rosenblum (red.), (1975), ss.99–129
  • Krashen, Stephen D. (1993), "How well do people spell?", Reading Improvement, 30,1 (lenke)
  • Markman, Ellen M., (1977), " Realizing That You Don't Understand: A Preliminary Investigation", Child Development, Vol. 48, No. 3 (Sep., 1977), ss.986-992
  • Markman, Ellen M., (1979), "Realizing that you don't understand: elementary school children's awareness of inconsistencies", Child Development, Vol.50, No.3 (Sep., 1979), ss.643-55
  • McNamara, S. McNamara; Kintsch, Eileen; Songer, Nancy Butler; Kintsch, Walter, (1996), "Are Good Texts Always Better? Interactions of Text Coherence, Background Knowledge, and Levels of Understanding in Learning From Text", Cognition and Instruction, Vol.14, No.1, 1996 (lenke)
  • Perkins, D.N., (1985), "Postprimary education has little impact on informal reasoning", Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol.77(5), Oktover, 1985, ss.562-571
  • Piaget, Jean, (1969), Psychologie et pédagogie, Gonthiers Denoël
  • Piaget, Jean, (1972), Oü va l'éducation, Gonthiers Denoël
  • van der Veer, René, og Valsiner, Jean, (1991), Understanding Vygotsky: A Quest for Synthesis, Blackwell (lenke, Leiden University)
  • Skinner, Burrhus Frederic, (1950), "Are theories of learning necessary?", The Psychological Review, Vol.57, No.4, juli 1950, ss.193-216 (lenke)
  • Skinner, Burrhus Frederic, (1954), Science and Human Behavior, The MacMillian Company
  • Skinner, Burrhus Frederic, (2002), Beyond Freedom & Dignity, Hackett Publishing Company, [1971]
  • Skinner, Burrhus Frederic, (2003), The Technology of Teaching, B.F. Skinner Foundation [1968]
  • Skinner, Burrhus Frederic, (2013), Contingencies of Reinforcement: A Theoretical Analysis, B.F. Skinner Foundation [1969]

Læringsforskning etter 2000:

  • Andersson, Björn, (2008), Att förstå skolans naturvetenskap: forskningsresultat och nya idéer, Studentlitteratur AB
  • Andersson-Bakken, Emilia; Kirsti Marie Jegstad; Jonas Bakken, (2021) "Textbook tasks in the Norwegian school subject natural sciences: what views of science do they mediate?", International Journal of Science Education, Vol. 42, 2020, No.8 (lenke)
  • Arnett, Jeffrey J., (2006), "G.Stanley Hall's Adolescence: Brilliance and Nonsense",  History of Psychology 2006, Vol. 9, No. 3, ss.186–197 (lenke)
  • Bailey, Drew; Duncan, Greg J.; Odgers, Candice L.; Yu, Winnie, (2017), "Persistence and Fadeout in the Impacts of Child and Adolescent Interventions", Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2017 ; 10(1), ss.7–39 (lenke)
  • Ball, Deborah L., og Forzani, Francesca M. (2007), "2007 Wallace Foundation Distinguished Lecture—What Makes Education Research “Educational”?", Educational Researcher, Vol.36, No. 9
  • Baron, Naomi S. (2021). How We Read Now: Strategic Choices for Print, Screen & Audio. Oxford University Press. 
  • Baş, Gökhan; Şentürk, Cihad; Ciğerci, Fatih Mehmet; (2017) "Homework and academic achievement: A meta-analytic review of research", Issues in Educational Research, 27(1), 2017 (lenke)
  • Bates, Randi; Salsberry, Pamela & Ford, Jodi, (2017), "Measuring Stress in Young Children Using Hair Cortisol: The State of the Science", Biological Research for Nursing, 2017, Vol. 19(5) ss.499-510
  • Baum, William M, (2017), Understanding Behaviorism: Behavior, Culture, and Evolution, Wiley Blackwell, 3.utgave
  • Berg-Olsen, Anita, (2008), Omsorg eller formål. Rasjonalitet og dilemmaer i fådeltskolen, Phd ved Universitetet i Tromsø, august 2008 (lenkeomtale)
  • Berg-Olsen, Anita, (2012), "Aldersblanding som læringssystem", Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift 05/2012, vol.96 (lenke)
  • Björnsson, Julius Kristjan & Olsen, Rolf Vegar (red.) (2018), Tjue år med TIMMS og PISA i Norge. Trender og nye analyser, Universitetsforlaget
  • Bjork, R. A., og Bjork, E. L. (2019), "Forgetting as a friend of learning: Implications for teaching and self-regulated learning", Advances in Physiology Education, 43, 164-167
  • Black, Paul, og William, Dylan, (2001), "Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment", (lenke)
  • Bonawitz, Elizabeth; Shafto, Patrick; Gweon, Hyowon; Goodman, Noah D.; Spelke, Elizabeth, og Schulz, Laura, (2011), "The Double-edged Sword of Pedagogy: Instruction limits spontaneous exploration and discovery", Cognition, sept 2011, 120 (3), ss.322-330 (lenke til førpublisert versjon)
  • Breivik, Gunnar, Sug i magen og livskvalitet, Tiden 2001
  • Cameron, Judy; Banko, Katherine M.; Pierce, W. David,  (2001), "Pervasive Negative Effects of Rewards on Intrinsic Motivation: The Myth Continues", The Behavior Analyst, 24, No.1, ss.1-44
  • Carey, Benedict, How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where and Why It Happens, Random House, 2014
  • Carrell, Scott E.; West, James A., (2010), «Does Professor Quality Matter? Evidence from Random Assignment of Students to Professors», Journal of Political Economy, 2010, vol. 118, no. 3, ss.409-432 (lenke)
  • Clinton, Virginia, (2019), "Reading from paper compared to screens: A systematic review and metaanalysis", Journal of Research in Reading, Vol.2, No.2, Mai 2019, ss.288-325 (lenke)
  • Cooper, Harris; Robinson, Jorgianne Civey; Patall, Erika A., (2006), "Does Homework Improve Academic Achievement? A Synthesis of Research, 1987–2003", Review of Education Research, Vol.76, No.1, ss.1-62
  • Guanyu Cui, Meilin Yao, Xia Zhang, (2017), "The Dampening Effects of Perceived Teacher Enthusiasm on Class-Related Boredom: The Mediating Role of Perceived Autonomy Support and Task Value" Frontiers in Psychology, 17.mars 2017 (lenke)
  • Daniels, Harry; Cole, Michael; Wertsch, James V., (red.) (2007), The Cambridge Companion to Vygotsky, Cambridge University Press
  • Danielsson, Anna T.; Andersson, Kristina; Gullberg, Annica; Hussénius, Anita, (2018), "Naturvetenskap för yngre barn – kunskapsinnehåll i lärarstudenters beskrivningar av sin framtida undervisning", Högre utbildning, Vol.8, Nr.1, 2018, ss.1-13 (lenke)
  • Dehaene, Stanislas. (2009). Reading in the Brain: The New Science of How We Read. Penguin. 
  • Dehaene, Stanislas, (2020), How We Learn: Why Brains Learn Better Than Any Machine ... For Now, Viking, 2020
  • De Koning, Björn; Mennon van der Schoot. (2013). Becoming Part of the Story! Refueling the Interest in Visualization Strategies for Reading Comprehension. Educ Psychol Rev (2013) 25:261–287
  • Delgado, Pablo; Vargas, Cristina; Ackerman, Rakefet; Salmerón, Ladislao, (2018), "Don't throw away your printed books: A meta-analysis on the effects of reading media on reading comprehension", Educational Research Review, Vol.25, November 2018, ss.23-38 (lenke)
  • Deslauriers, Louis; Logan S. McCarty; Kelly Miller; Kristina Callaghan; Greg Kestin, (2019) "Measuring actual learning versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Sept 2019, 116 (39) ss.19251-19257 (lenke)
  • Dettmers S, Yotyodying S and Jonkmann K., (2019), "Antecedents and Outcomes of Parental Homework Involvement: How Do Family-School Partnerships Affect Parental Homework Involvement and Student Outcomes?", Frontiers in Psychology, 10:1048 (lenke)
  • Dong, Y., Wu, S. X.-Y., Dong, W.-Y., & Tang, Y. (2020) "The effects of home literacy environment on children’s reading comprehension development: A meta-analysis", Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 20(2), ss.63 - 82
  • Eide-Midtsand, Nils, (2015), Boltrelek og lekeslossing. Større rom i barnehagen og småskolen, Kunnskapsforlaget
  • Engel, Susan, (2015), The End of the Rainbow: How educating for happiness (not money) would transform our schools, The New Press, 2015
  • Engel, Susan, (2015) The Hungry Mind: The Origins of Curiosity in Childhood, Harvard University Press
  • Engel, Susan, (2021), The Intellectual Lives of Children, Harvard University Press
  • Engel, Susan, og Levin, Samuel, (2016), A School of Our Own: The Story of the First Student-Run High School and a New Vision for American Education, The New Press, Kindle Edition. 
  • Engelsen, Britt Ulstrup, (2015), Kan læring planlegges? Arbeid med læreplaner - hva, hvordan, hvorfor?, Gyldendal Akademisk [7.utg]
  • Fibæk Laursen, Per (2004), Den Autentiske Lærer. Bliv en god of effektiv underviser - hvis du vil, Gyldendals Lærerbibliotek
  • Fisher, Matthew; Keil, Frank C., (2016), "The Curse of Expertise: When More Knowledge Leads to Miscalibrated Explanatory Insight", Cognitive Science, Vol.20, No.5, 2016 (lenke)
  • Flynn, Emma, og Whiten, Andrew, (2008), "Cultural Transmission of Tool Use in Young Children: A Diffusion Chain Study", Social Development, Vol.17, No.3 August 2008, ss.699-718 (lenke)
  • Flynn, James, (2012), How to Improve Your Mind, Wiley-Blackwell 
  • Friman, Patrick C., (2021), "There is no such thing as a bad boy: The Circumstances View of Problem Behavior", Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 2021, ss.1–18
  • Gallagher, Winifred (2009), Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life, Penguin
  • Gilje, Øystein; Langfald, Ørjan Flygt; Ludvigsen, Sten, (2018), "Dybdelæring – historisk bakgrunn og teoretiske tilnærminger", Utdanning.no, publisert 29.november 2018 (lenke)
  • Goetz, Thomas; Frenzel, Anne C.; Hall, Nathan C.; Nett, Ulrike E.; Pekrun, Reinhard; 
    Lipnevich, Anastasiya A., (2014), "Types of boredom: An experience sampling approach", Motivation and Emotion, vol.38, ss.401–419 (lenke, og omtale)
  • Gopnik, Alison, (2016), The Gardener and the Carpenter: What the New Science of Child Development Tells Us About the Relationship Between Parents and Children, Picador
  • Goswami, Usha, (2014), Child Psychology: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press
  • Gray, Peter, (2011), "The Special Value of Children's Age-Mixed Play", The American Journal of Play, volume 3, number 4, 2011, ss.500-522 (lenke)
  • Gray, Peter, (2013a), Free to learn: Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self-Reliant, and Better Students for Life, Basic Books
  • Gray, Peter (2013b), "The Reading Wars: Why Natural Learning Fails in Classrooms", Psychology Today, 19.nov 2013, (lenke)
  • Gray, Peter, (2017), "Self-Directed Education—Unschooling and Democratic Schooling", Oxford Research Encyclopedias (lenke
  • Gray, Peter, og Feldman, Jay, (2004), "Playing in the Zone of Proximal Development: Qualities of Self-Directed Age Mixing between Adolescents and Young Children at a Democratic School", American Journal of Education, 110 (February 2004), ss.108-145
  • Groeneveld, Marleen G.; Vermeer, Harriet J.; Linting, Mariëlle; Noppe, Gerard; van Rossum, Elisabeth F. C. & van IJzendoorn, Marinus H., (2013), " Children’s hair cortisol as a biomarker of stress at school entry", Stress, 16:6, ss.711-715 
  • Gurdon, Meghan Cox, (2019), The Enchanted Hour: The Miraculous Power of Reading Aloud in the Age of Distraction, Piatkus
  • Guskey, Thomas R., (2001), "Benjamin S. Bloom's Contributions to Curriculum, Instruction, and School Learning", Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (Seattle, WA, April 10-14, 2001), (lenke)
  • Harden, Kathryn Paige, (2021), The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality, Princeton University Press
  • Harris, Paul L., (2000), The Work of the Imagination, Wiley-Blackwell
  • Harris, Paul L., (2012), Trusting What You’re Told: How Children Learn From Others, Harvard University Press. Kindle Edition. 
  • Harris, Paul L. (2021). Early Constraints on the Imagination: The Realism of Young Children. Child Development, March/April 2021, Vol.92, No.2, ss.466–483. 
  • Hattie, John, og Timperley, Helen, (2007), "The Power of Feedback", Review of Educational Research, Mars 2007, Vol. 77, No. 1, ss. 81-112 (lenke)
  • Hattie, John, (2008), Visible Learning, A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement, Routledge
  • Hirsch, E.D. (1987). Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know. Vintage. 
  • Hjetland, Hanne Næss, Ellen Iren Brinchmann, Ronny Scherer, Charles Hulme, Monica Melby-Lervåg. (2020). Preschool pathways to reading comprehension: A systematic meta-analytic review. Educational Research Review 30.  
  • Holden, Børge, (2007), "Hvordan kan vi snakke om atferdsanalyse til andre enn atferdsanalytikere?", Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse, årgang 34 (2007), nr.4, ss.201-218
  • Houa, Jinghui; Rashid, Justin; Lee, Kwan Min, (2017), "Cognitive map or medium materiality? Reading on paper and screen", Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 67, Feb. 2017, ss.84-94 (lenke)
  • Immordino-Yang, Mary Helen, (2015), Emotions, Learning, and the Brain: Exploring the Educational Implications of Affective Neuroscience, W. W. Norton
  • Jensen, Svein Erik, (2014), ""Fuck you" i systemperspektiv", Spesialpedagogikk, (lenke)
  • Jensen, Svein Erik, (2016), ""Fuck you" i systemperspektiv, del 2", Spesialpedagogikk, (lenke)
  • Kang, Min Jeong et al, (2009), "The Wick in the Candle of Learning: Epistemic Curiosity Activates Reward Circuitry and Enhances Memory", Psychological Science, 2009, 20(8), ss.963-73
  • Karlstad, Øystein; Furu, Kari; Stoltenberg, Camilla; Håberg, Siri E.; Bakken, Inger Johanne, (2017), "ADHD treatment and diagnosis in relation to children’s birth month: Nationwide cohort study from Norway", Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2017; 45, ss.343–349 (lenke)
  • Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Sjøberg, Espen A., (2016), " Evolusjonspsykologi og læringsteorier: en feilaktig motsetning", Norsk Tidsskrift for Atferdsanalyse, Vol.43, No.1, 2016, ss.65-70
  • Kirschner, Paul A.; John Sweller; Richard E. Clark. (2006). "Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does NotWork: An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based, Experiential, and Inquiry-Based Teaching." Educational Psychologist, 41(2), ss.75–86 (lenke)
  • Klitmøller, Jacob, og Nielsen, Klaus, (2020), "Kritikken av kvaliteten av John Hatties kvantitative forskning. Debatt: Et svar til Thomas Nordahl", Utdanningsnytt.no, publisert 17.jan 2020 (lenke)
  • Konner, Melvin J., (2002), The Tangled Wing: Biological Constraints on the Human Race, Henry Holt and Company [1982] 
  • Konner, Melvin J., (2010), The Evolution of Childhood: Relationships, Emotion, Mind, Harvard University Press
  • Labaree, David F., (2003), "The Peculiar Problems of Preparing Educational Researchers", Educational Researcher, Vol. 32, No. 4, ss. 13–22
  • Leonard, Julia A.; Martinez, Dominique N.; Dashineau, Samantha C.; Park, Anne T.; Mackey,  Allyson P., (2021), «Children Persist Less When Adults Take Over», Child Development, 23.januar 2021
  • Lervåg, Arne, og Melby-Lervåg, Monica, (2014), "John Hatties Visible Learning: Ingen «hellig gral» for undervisningen", Bedre Skole (lenke)
  • Lervåag, Arne, Charles Hulme, Monica Melby-Lervåg. (2017). Unpicking the Developmental Relationship Between Oral Language Skills and Reading Comprehension: It’s Simple, But Complex. Child Development, September/Oktober 2018, Vol. 89, No. 5, ss.1821–1838. 
  • Leslie, Ian, (2014), Curious: The Desire to Know and Why Your Future Depends on It, Basic Books
  • Lewis, Michael, (2015), "The Origins of Lying and Deception in Everyday Life", American Scientist, Mars-arpril 2015, Vol.103, No.2 (lenke)
  • Lillejord S., Børte K., Ruud E. & Morgan K., (2017), Stress i skolen – en systematisk kunnskapsoversikt, Kunnskapssenter for utdanning (lenke)
  • Lindholm, Markus, (2021), Nysgjerrighet. Dybdelæring i informasjonssamfunnet, Universitetsforlaget
  • Loveless, Tom, (2014), "How Well Are American Students Learning? With sections on the PISA-Shanghai Controversy, Homework, and the Common Core", The 2014 Brown Center Report on American Education, mars 2014, Vol.3, No.3 (lenke)
  • Lucas, Christopher G.; Bridgers, Sophie; Griffiths, Thomas L.; Gopnik, Alison, (2014), "When children are better (or at least more open-minded) learners than adults: Developmental differences in learning the forms of causal relationships", Cognition, Vol.131, No.2, mai 2014, ss.284-299
  • Meyer, Alexander, (2018a), "Tvang - skoleforskningens blinde felt", Bedre Skole, 3/2018 (lenke)
  • Meyer, Alexander, (2018b), "Myter og ideologi, professor Nordahl?", Utdanningsnytt, 11.oktober 2018 (lenke)
  • Meyer, Alexander, (2019), "Obligatorisk skuleordning – eit hinder for demokratiet?", Syn og Segn, nr.1 2019 (lenke)
  • Meyer, Alexander, (2020), Det store skolespranget. For mer læring, mening, mestring og innsats, Universitetsforlaget
  • Murayama, Kou; Japan, Masayuki Suzuki; Pekrun, Reinhard; Lichtenfeld, Stephanie; Marsh, Herbert, (2016), "Don’t Aim Too High for Your Kids: Parental Overaspiration Undermines Students’ Learning in Mathematics", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2016, Vol. 111, No. 5, ss.766 –779 (lenkeomtale)
  • Nordahl, Thomas, (2019), "Kritikken av kvantitativ forskning i pedagogikk", Utdanningsnytt.no, publisert 10.sept 2019 (lenke)
  • Nowicki, Stephen; Gregory, Steven; Iles-Caven, Yasmin; Ellis, Genette; Golding, Jean, (2018), "Early Home-Life Antecedents of Children’s Locus of Control", Frontiers in Psychology, 1.November 2018 (lenke)
  • Olson, Kirsten, (2009), Wounded by School: Recapturing the Joy in Learning and Standing Up to Old School Culture, Teachers College Press
  • Ottesen Kennair, Leif Edward, og Sjøberg, Espen A., (2016), “Evolusjonspsykologi og læringsteorier: en feilaktig motsetning”, Norsk Tidsskrift for Adferdsanalyse, 2016, nr.1 43, 65-70
  • Pink, Daniel H., (2009), Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us, Riverhead Books
  • Prat, Chantel S.; Madhyastha, Tara M.; Mottarella, Malayka J.; Kuo, Chu-Hsuan, (2020), "Relating Natural Language Aptitude to Individual Differences in Learning Programming Languages",  Scientific Reports, vol.10, artikkel nr: 3817 (2020) (lenke, omtale)
  • Richland, Lindsay; Stiegler, James W.; Holyoak, Keith J., (2012), "Teaching the Conceptual Structure of Mathematics",  Educational Psychologist, 47:3, ss.189-203
  • Ritchie, Stuart, (2015), Intelligence: All That Matters, Hodder & Stoughton. Kindle Edition
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  • Schöber, Christian; Schütte, Kerstin; Köller, Olaf; McElvany, Nele; Gebauer, Miriam M., (2018),  "Reciprocal effects between self-efficacy and achievement in mathematics and reading", Learning and Individual Differences, 63(2018) (lenke)
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Om aldersblanding og relaterte tema

  • Berg-Olsen, Anita, (2008), Omsorg eller formål. Rasjonalitet og dilemmaer i fådeltskolen, Phd ved Universitetet i Tromsø, august 2008 (lenkeomtale)
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  • Engan, Kaja Amalie, (2017), Den fådelte bygdeskolen – hjertet i bygda. Læreres perspektiver på den fådelte bygdeskolen, Mastergradsoppgave i sosiologi ved lektorutdanningen, Universitetet i Tromsø, trinn 8-13, Mai 2017 (lenke)
  • Ertesvåg, Sigrun K., (2003), "Trening av sosial kompetanse hjå skuleelevar: Tiltak for alle elevar eller elevar med mangel på slik kompetanse?", Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 05-06/200, vol.87 (lenke)
  • Frønes, Ivar, (2006), De likeverdige. Om sosialisering og de jevnaldrendes betydning, Gyldendal, 3.utgave [1994] 
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  • Kvam, Vegard, (2009), En livsnær skole. En historie om Erling Kristvik og den fådelte skolen, Abstrakt forlag
  • Oldervik, Heidrun, (2014), Arbeidsplaner som styringens kunst. Bruk av arbeidsplaner i norsk skole fra 1970-2010, Phd ved NTNU, februar 2014
  • Solerød, Erling. (1997), "Aldershomogenisering som prinsipp i grunnskolen", Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift nr. 4, 238–246
  • Teigen, Sara Einbu, (2017), Tilpasset opplæring i et aldersblanda fellesskap, Bacheloroppgave i Grunnskolelærerutdanningen 1-7.trinn, ved Høgskolen i Innlandet, 2017
  • Aanonsen, Magnus, (2019), Arbeid med sosial kompetanse på 1-10 skoler, Bacheloroppgave i Grunnskolelærerutdanning 5-10.trinn, ved NTNU, mai 2019
  • Ukjent forfatter, (2005), "Aldersblanding er en pedagogisk katastrofe", Utdanningsnytt.no, 9.august 2005 (lenke)


  • Baek, Chanwoong; Hörmann, Bernadette; Karseth, Berit; Pizmony-Levy, Oren; Sivesind, Kirsten og Steiner-Khamsi, Gita, (2017), "Policy learning in Norwegian school reform: a social network analysis of the 2020 incremental reform", Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 2017 4(1), ss.1- 14
  • Berliner, David C., og Biddle, Bruce J., (1995), The Manufactured Crisis: Myths, Fraud, and the Attack on America's Public Schools, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1995
  • Camphuijsen, Marjolein K.; Møller, Jorun; Skedsmo, Guri, (2020), "Test-based accountability in the Norwegian context: exploring drivers, expectations and strategies",  Journal of Education Policy (lenke)
  • Hansen, Petteri; Sivesind, Kirsten; Thostrup, Rune, (2021), "Managing expectations by projecting the future school: Observing the Nordic future school reports via temporal topologies", European Educational Research Journal, 1–15
  • Hanushek, Eric; Wössmann, Ludger, (2015), The Knowledge Capital of Nations: Education and the Economics of Growth, The MIT Press
  • Hirsch, E. D., (2006), The Knowledge Deficit: Closing the Shocking Education Gap for American Children, HMH Books
  • Imsen, Gunn, (2011), "Hattie-feberen i norsk politikk", Bedre Skole, 3.sept 2011 (lenke)
  • Malkenes, Simon, (2014), Bak fasaden i Osloskolen, Res Publica
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  • Meyer, Alexander, (2018), ""Målet er at eleven utvikler en type holdning til læring og til eget læringsprosjekt."", Utdanningsnytt.no, publisert 14.jan 2018 (lenke)
  • Papadopoulos, George S., (1994), Education 1960-1990: The OECD Perspective, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development
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  • Pondiscio, Robert, (2019), How the other half learns: Equality, excellence, and the battle over school choice, Avery
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  • Schaanning, Espen, (2018), Til alle barns beste? Intervensjoner i skolefeltet, Kolofon, 2018
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  • Sivesind, Kirsten og Westbury, Ian, (2016), "State-based curriculum work and curriculum-making: Norway’s Læreplanverket 1997", Journal of Curriculum Studies, 48(6), s.766-782
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  • Sowell, Thomas, (2020), Charter Schools and Their Enemies, Basic Books
  • Tolo, Astrid; Lillejord, Sølvi; Flórez Petour, María Teresa; Hopfenbeck, Therese N., (2019) "Intelligent accountability in schools: A study of how school leaders work with the implementation of assessment for learning", Journal of Educational Change, okt 2019
  • Valiente, Oscar, (2014), "The OECD skills strategy and the education agenda for development",  International Journal of Educational Development, 39 (2014) ss.40–48
  • Zhao, Yong, (2018), What Works May Hurt: Side Effects in Education, Teachers College Press
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  • Østerud, Svein, ‘‘Hva kan norsk skole lære av PISA-vinneren Finland?’’ Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk, Vol. 2, 2016, ss. 14-35 (lenke)

Sosial mobilitet og andre sosioøkonomiske faktorer i skole og læring: 

  • Acemoglu, Daron, (2000), "Technical change, Inequality and The Labor Market", National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 7800, juli 2000 (lenke)
  • Anderson, Elizabeth S. (1999), "What is the Point of Equality?", Ethics, Vol.109, No.2, Jan 1999, ss.287-337
  • Bakken, Anders, & Elstad, Jon Ivar, (2012), "For store forventninger? Kunnskapsløftet og ulikhetene i grunnskolekarakterer", Norsk institutt for forskning om oppvekst, velferd og aldring NOVA Rapport 7/2012 (lenke)
  • Bakken, Anders; Lars Roar Frøyland; Mira Aaboen Sletten (2016), "Sosiale forskjeller i unges liv. Hva sier Ungdata-undersøkelsene?" Norsk institutt for forskning om oppvekst, velferd og aldring, NOVA Rapport 3/2016 (lenke)
  • Barshay, Jill, (2020), "A decade of research on the rich-poor divide in education", The Hechinger Report, 29.juni 2020 (lenke)
  • Beckfield, Jason (2020), "Rising inequality is not balanced by intergenerational mobility", PNAS 7.Januar, 2020 117 (1), ss.23-25 (lenke)
  • Berg, Ivar, (2003), Education and Jobs: The Great Training Robbery, Percheron Press [1970]
  • Bourdieu, Pierre, og Passeron, Jean-Claude, (1985), Les Héritiers: Les étudiants et la culture, Les Editions de Minuit, [1964]
  • Breen, Richard & Müller, Walter (red.) (2020), Education and intergenerational social mobility in Europe and the United States, Stanford University Press
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  • Caplan, Bryan, (2017), The Case against Education: Why the Education System is a Waste of Time and Money, Princeton University Press
  • Case, Anne, og Deaton, Angus, (2020), Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism, Princeton University Press
  • Ceci, Stephen J. og Papierno, Paul B., (2005), "The Rhetoric and Reality of Gap Closing. When the “Have-Nots” Gain but the “Haves” Gain Even More", American Psychologist, februar–mars 2005 Vol. 60, No. 2, ss.149–160
  • Chetty, Raj; Hendren, Nathaniel; Kline, Patrick; Saez, Emmanuel; Turner, Nicholas, (2014), "Is the United States Still a Land of Opportunity? Recent Trends in Intergenerational Mobility", National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 19844, mai 2014 (lenke)
  • Chetty, Raj; Grusky, David; Hell, Maximilian; Hendren, Nathaniel; Manduca, Robert; Narang, Jimmy, (2017), "The fading American dream: Trends in absolute income mobility since 1940", Science, 28.april 2017, Vol. 356, No.6336, ss. 398-406 (lenke)
  • Chetty, Raj; Hendren, Nathaniel; Jones, Maggie R.; Porter, Sonya R., (2018), "Race and Economic Opportunity in the United States: An Intergenerational Perspective", National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 24441, mars 2018, (lenke)
  • deBoer, Fredrik, (2020), The Cult of Smart: How Our Broken Education System Perpetuates Social Injustice, All Points Books
  • Dhingra, Pawan, (2020), Hyper Education: Why Good Schools, Good Grades, and Good Behavior Are Not Enough, New York University Press
  • Downey, Douglas B., (2020), How Schools Really Matter. Why Our Assumption about Schools and Inequality Is Mostly Wrong, University of Chicago Press
  • Ekren, Rachel, (2014), " Sosial reproduksjon av utdanning?", Samfunnsspeilet, 5/2014, ss.20-24 (lenke)
  • Farber, Henry S.; Herbst, Daniel; Kuziemko, Ilyana; Naidu, Suresh, (2018), "Unions and Inequality Over the Twentieth Century: New Evidence from Survey Data", National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper 24587, mai 2018 (lenke)
  • Frønes, Ivar, (2018), Den krevende barndommen. Om barndom, sosialisering og politikk for barn, Cappelen Damm Akademisk
  • Gawande, Atul, (2020),  "Why Americans Are Dying from Despair", The New Yorker, 20.mars 2020 (lenke)
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  • Hanushek, Eric A. og Wössmann, Ludger, (2015a), The Knowledge Capital of Nations, CESifo Book Series, MIT Press
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  • Heyneman, Stephen P.; Loxley, William A. (1983), "The Effect of Primary-School Quality on Academic Achievement Across Twenty-nine High-and Low-Income Countries", American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 88, No. 6 (May 1983), ss.1162-1194 
  • Komatsu, Hikaru, og Rappleye, Jeremy, (2020), "TINA comes to European Education? The European Commission, PISA, PIAAC, and American-Style Knowledge Capital Theory", NORRAG, 22.juli 2020 (lenke)
  • Kriznik, Heidi Marie, (2015), Den delte byen, Manifest
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  • Major, Lee Elliot; Machin, Stephen, (2018)  Social Mobility and Its Enemies, Penguin Books Ltd, Kindle Edition (om boken)
  • Markovitz, Daniel, (2019), The Meritocracy Trap, Penguin Press
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  • Nordli Hansen, Marianne, (2005), "Utdanning og ulikhet – valg, prestasjoner og sosiale settinger", Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, vol. 46, nr 2, ss.133–157
  • OECD, (2018), A Broken Social Elevator? How to Promote Social Mobility, OECD Publishing (lenke)
  • Piketty, Thomas, (2020), Capital and Ideology, trans. Arthur Goldhammer, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
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  • Sandel, Michael, (2020), The Tyranny of Merit: What's Become of the Common Good? Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Kindle Edition
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  • Song, Xi; Massey, Catherine G.; Rolf, Karen A.; Ferrie, Joseph P.; Rothbaum, Jonathan L.; Xie, Yu, (2020), "Long-term decline in intergenerational mobility in the United States since the 1850s", PNAS, 7. januar, 2020 117 (1) ss.251-258 (lenke)
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  • Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2017a), Men in Manual Occupations: Changing Lives in Times of Change, Cappelen Damm (lenke)
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  • Volante, Louis, og Jerrim, John, (2018), "Why a good education isn't always the key to social mobility", WEForum, 19.nov 2018 (lenke)
  • Wolf, Alison, (2002), Does education matter?: Myths about education and economic growth, Penguin
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  • Aasland, Sigrun, (2019), Det trengs en landsby. Hvordan familie, skole og nabolag påvirker våre barns fremtid, Res Publica

Alternativ pedagogikk:

  • Aldrich, Clark., (2011), Unschooling Rules: 55 Ways to Unlearn What We Know About Schools and Rediscover Education, Greenleaf Book Group LLC, Kindle Edition. 
  • Black, Carol, (ukjent årstall), A Thousand Rivers, (lenke
  • Boles, Blake, (2020), Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School?, Tells Peak Press
  • Danford, Kenneth, (2019), Learning is Natural, School is Optional. The North Star approach to offering teens a head start on life, Golden Door Press
  • Gatto, John Taylor, (1992) Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling, New Society Publishers
  • Graubard, Allen (1972), Free the Children: Radical Reform and the Free School Movement, Vintage
  • Greenberg, Daniel, Free at Last. The Sudbury Valley School, Sudbury Valley School Press, 1995 [1987]
  • Guterson, David (1993), Family Matters: Why Homeschooling Makes Sense, Harcourt Brace & Company, Kindle Edition. 
  • Holt, John, (2015), How Children Fail, Penguin Education, Kindle Edition, [1964]
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  • Holt, John, (2004) Instead of Education: Ways to Help People Do Things Better, Sentient Publication, [1976]
  • Holt, John, og Farenga, Patrick, (2003), Teach Your Own: The John Holt Book of Homeschooling, Perseus Publishing
  • Illich, Ivan, (1995), Deschooling Society, Marion Boyars, [1971]
  • Liedloff, Jean, (2004), The Continuum Concept, Penguin Books Ltd. Kindle Edition [1975]
  • Lillard, Angeline Stoll, (2016), Montessori. The Science behind the Genius, Oxford University Press (3. utgave)
  • Llewellyn, Grace, (1991), The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education, Lowry House Publishers
  • Lucas, Hussein. (2021). After Summerhill: What happened to the pupils of Britain's most radical school? Upfront Publishing. 
  • Marshall, Chloë, (2017), "Montessori education: a review of the evidence base", npj Science of Learning, (2017) 2, nr.11 (lenke
  • McDonald, Kerry, (2019), Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Conventional Classroom, Chicago Review Press, Kindle Edition. 
  • Montessori, Mario, The Human Tendencies and Montessori Education, Association Montessori Internationale 
  • Neill, A.S., (1966), Freedom - Not License!, Hart Publishing Company, 1966
  • Patterson, Sue, (2015), Homeschooled Teens: 75 Young People Speak About Their Lives Without School, Forever Curious Press, Kindle Edition. 
  • Pattison, Harriet, (2016), Rethinking learning to read, Educational Heretics Press
  • Polk Lillard, Paula, (1975), Montessori: A Modern Approach: The Classic Introduction to Montessori for Parents and Teachers, Schocken Books
  • Polk Lillard, Paula, (1997), Montessori in the Classroom: A Teacher's Account of How Children Really Learn, Schocken Books [1980]
  • Polk Lillard, Paula, (1996), Montessori Today. A Comprehensive Approach to Education from Birth to Adulthood, Schocken Books
  • Postman, Neil, (1996), The End of Education: Redefining the Value of School, Alfred A. Knopf
  • Radice, Sheila, (1920), The New Children: Talks wit Dr. Maria Montessori, Frederick A. Stokes Company
  • Rancière, Jacques, (1987), Le Maître Ignorant. Cinq leçons sur l'émancipation intellectuelle, Fayard
  • Romanowski, Michael H,. (2006), "Revisiting the common myths about homeschooling", The Clearing House 79(3), ss.124–129
  • Tornar, Clara, (2007), La pedagogia di Maria Montessori tra teoria e azione, FrancoAngeli

    Demokrati og medborgerskap

    • Børhaug, Kjetil. (2017). Ei endra medborgaroppseding? Acta Didactica Norge, Vol. 11, Nr. 3
    • Børhaug, Kjetil. (2018). Oppseding til medborgarskap – mellom globalisering og elevens livsverd. Nytt norsk tidsskrift, nr. 3–4, 2018, årg. 35, ss. 268–278
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    Utredninger, lovkommentarer

    • Dokument 16 (2011-2012), Rapport til Stortingets presidentskap
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    De siste ukene har jeg i mange samtaler her og der opplevd å forsvare to grupper, som er antatt å være svært ulike: De som ønsker å beskytte fellesskolen, og de som ønsker å forsvare retten til hjemmeundervisning.  Virker dette selvmotsigende? I mitt hode fremstår dette nesten som det stikk motsatte, som en naturlig konsekvens av det som begynner å bli en temmelig lang og intrikat tankerekke. Jeg skal forsøke å gi en liten kortversjon her.  Men først, en påminnelse: Det finnes alltid mange gode og dårlige argumenter for alle sider av de fleste saker, og enhver ærlig samtaledeltaker har egentlig en slags plikt til å argumentere mot dårlige argumenter, også der hvor disse tilsynelatende støtter ens egen posisjon. Vi bør også sørge for at det er plass for gode argumenter selv der hvis disse støtter opp under posisjoner du kanskje ikke er helt enig i.  Kilde: digitaltmuseum.no Så til saken: Kan man forsvare fellesskolen og hjemmeundervisning på en og samme tid? Ja, så absolut...

    Mer kunnskap, men også mer frilek

    Er det bare meg, eller er det litt ny giv i den norske skoledebatten om dagen?  Det har i alle fall skjedd en vending i diskusjonen om læreplaner, takket være iherdig jobbing av engasjerte folk. De siste ukene har vi sett innlegg i Klassekampen og Aftenposten om behovet for mer kunnskap i skolen, og en vending bort fra den rent ferdighetsfokuserte læreplanen. Som Mari Skurdal skriver på lederplass i Klassekampen 1.november, det er på tide å gjøre som fjellvettreglene lenge har anbefalt oss: snu i tide.  Medier og partifolk har åpenbart notert seg hva det er som skjer, og det er endel bevegelser i kulissene. På den andre siden så er det ganske stille fra Kunnskapsdepartementet og Utdanningsdirektoratets side, men det har jeg egentlig forståelse for. Det kommer nok.   Så langt alt vel. Jeg er helt med på denne vendingen tilbake mot et større fokus på kunnskap. For min egen del så var det nok Natalie Wexlers bok The Knowledge Gap (2019) som virkelig overbeviste meg (...