" Children are born wanting to find things out. But schools have, by and large, done little to build on this valuable impulse. In fact, when children get to school, they ask fewer questions, explore less often and with less intensity, and become less curious. One of the great ironies of our educational system is that it seems to squelch the impulse most essential to learning new things and to pursuing scientific discovery and invention. " ( The End of the Rainbow , s.187-188) Susan Engel er professor i psykologi ved Williams College, Massachussets, hvor hun forsker på barns læring og nysgjerrighet, og hvordan innsikter fra psykologiforskningen kan påvirke fremtidens skole. I dette innlegget vil jeg trekke ut noen innsikter og poenger fra to av Engels bøker, begge fra 2015: The End of the Rainbow: How educating for happiness (not money) would transform our schools, og The Hungry Mind: The Origins of Curiosity in Childhood. Jeg kom først over denne siste boken for noen...